Sunday, July 10, 2011

Serving Others

Two years ago, this summer, our little family traveled to Colorado State University for the biennial all staff training with Campus Crusade for Christ.  Yes, we were commissioned missionaries!  We were so ready to hit the field as full time Christian workers.
Awe! Aren't we the cutest missionaries you've ever seen?
Sadly, this did not last.  To make a long story short, God actually used our time at CSU to reveal to us His heart for the Gospel, His last frontier (if you will), and that our role in that missions was not via Campus Crusade for Christ.  After several months, we yielded to God's leading and left staff with Crusade.  Phew.

This has left both Ian and I a bit jaded.  Raising the funds for missions was really challenging. As in, it did not go well at all.  A pastor once told us that Christians in the U.S. spend more money on their pets then on giving to missions.  (Frowny face).  So we did what any jaded former missionaries would do.  Gave more to missions.  Yay, us!  Aren't we awesome?

Um, no. GOD is awesome.  We took an amazing class on the state of global missions called Perspectives.  This completely confirmed all that God was already teaching us. Bonus! And we were exposed to so many other people and organizations fulfilling the Great Commission.

So now, we are waiting in NorCal.  Waiting for God to call us elsewhere or to keep us here.  Waiting for any opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And wouldn't you know it, God has kept us here so far and is daily giving us the opportunity to be His hands and feet.  Yay, God is awesome!

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