Tuesday, October 18, 2011

That One Kid

You know who I mean.  If you have a minivan full of children, there is always that one.  Or maybe it's just that age and stage.

I have four little ones.  These ones I can write so fondly of on a blog.  They are so precious, so beautiful, little blessings.

Until they're not.  I'll bet all of my children have gone through this kind of stage.  But right now, it's Gordon.  The baby.

He is completely incapable of doing the simplest tasks.  He is absolutely disagreeable.  Me: "Gordon, here is your toast."  G: "I don't want any toast." Me: "Ok, that's what is for breakfast." I take the toast away.  In a desperate, demanding, whining voice, "THAT'S MY TOAST.  DON'T TAKE MY TOAST."

Rinse and repeat in regards to clothing, shoes, snacks, meals, toys, games, and so on.

All day.  Every day.

Sometimes, reverse psychology gets a task accomplished.  But not often.  And I know this teaches him nothing.

It's enough to make a Mama Mad.  Like that Hatter in Alice in Wonderland Mad.

Tell me this stage will pass.  Please Lord Jesus, tell me this will pass.

Loved by: